3D Scanning
Utilizing 3D scanning technology to quickly and accurately gather data in our topographic, volumetric, civil and scanning services.
Right-of-Way Programs
Utilizing field expertise and automated technologies to collect accurate geospatial and pipeline integrity data for enhanced, al- encompassing asset management.
UAV Technology
Utilizing UAV technology to deliver quick and inexpensive geomatic surveying, photogrammetry, ortho photo mosaics, 3D mapping, thermal mapping and more.
Sonar Bathymetric Surveys
Carrying out dual frequency, single beam bathymetry surveys to provide you with an in-depth analysis of what lies beneath the water’s surface.
Digital Twinning
Mapping your physical asset to a digital platform with real time data to optimize asset execution, maintenance and management.
Behind every explore experience, is trust.
As a multi-disciplinary firm, Explore’s diverse and practical in-house expertise combined with our advanced technology enable our ability to provide everything you need, and nothing you don’t. Offering complete geomatic surveying, engineering, asset integrity and regulatory services, Explore’s proactive and agile team are here to support your needs and exceed your expectations. With a reputation built on personable service, superior performance and proven project delivery, we offer field to finish services for your full project scope.
Get your project started with Explore.
Explore Core Disciplines
Our skilled field crews and experienced project managers allow us to deliver on our primary goal of exceptional customer service.
Geohazard Management
Industry leading pipeline water crossing management services. Our full life-cycle approach takes yesterday, today, and tomorrow into consideration.
Asset Integrity
Professional risk management and asset integrity specialists, dedicated to implementing effective integrity management strategies.
Project land builders, committed to fostering trust, respect, and collaboration. Dedicated partners in the development and advancement of First Nation Communities.